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Hệ thạc sĩ
First Year
CM 6021 Advanced Analytical Chemistry(3,0)
CM 6031 Advanced Orangic Chemistry(0,3)
CM 6041 Advanced Physical Chemistry(0,3)
CM 6051 Advanced Inorangic Chemistry(3,0)
Master’s students must take at least one of these courses as a compulsory course.
Compulsory courses are determined according to their advisors.
CM6000 Topic Seminar (0,0)
CM 6005/6006 Seminar (I),(II) (1,1)
CM 6091/6092 Thesis Research (I),(II) (1,1)
Second Year
CM 6000 Topic Seminar (0,0)
CM 6007/6008 Seminar (III),(IV) (1,1)
CM 6093/6094 Thesis Research (III),(IV) (1,1)